Events, Videos

OUTDURO 4th Open Adventure Moto Ride For Beginners

Another successful OUTDURO organized an open adventure moto ride for beginners. In this event, we take new adv riders through the most common adventure trails – gravel roads, loose sand trails, deep muddy trenches, and river crossings.

Along the way, participants got the chance to play GeoCache with an OUTDURO twist on it. Following grid coordinates from point to point to find the hidden treasure at the last point.

Riders explored post soviet underground bunkers, climbed a chimney to get a thrill, and other interesting locations. In the evening they camped near a lake, made a fireplace, and discussed the adventures from the day.

Our OUTDURO tribe member and their instructor @ROLISS showed them how to pack gear, do basic field first aid, and made sure everyone participates in team-building activities.

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