Solo Motorcycle Shelter Camping / Rihards Grunte / S1E3
It’s the second day on my local motorcycle adventure trip. I’ve stopped in an abandoned fuel stop that I’ve always wanted to include in one of my videos. The funny thing is that right after I shot my video there someone bought the land and started rebuilding the old fuel station! I left my sticker there but I’m pretty sure it’s gonna be removed so I will have to come back when it’s rebuilt and repainted to stick it there again! 😀
So, this time I’m heading to a forest that’s not too far off from the Capitol. I’ve got a shelter frame there already set up which was used as a demo for National Guards and left there for future use. Now I use it from time to time as my sleeping spot. The only problem with this place is that I’ve always had nightmares there. Maybe it’s because on that land in WW1 a big battle happened and many soldiers died there.
Maybe the souls are still roaming there… didn’t have a good night’s sleep. Maybe it’s because I slept on the ground and not in my hammock that cradles you gently into sleep? 🙂
Anyway, I got to the place, set up a lean-to tent shelter, and prepared dinner. I had a fireplace already prepared so I decided to use my fire-starting rod and a patch of birch bark. This time I had some game meat steak with me but the fireplace was way too hot so my meal was crusty on the outside but raw on the inside on the first cook.
Cut it into smaller pieces and recooked it. The next day was nothing special, made coffee, stretched my bones, and packed up to head to the capitol where my friends were hanging out at the garage.