TET Oddisey: To the trails of Norway
My interest in riding the trails developed at about the same time as the Trans Euro Trail came to Latvia. A 50,000 km off-road route that crosses nearly all European countries. The trail that initially scared me more than it lured me. But, as my skills grew, it lured me in more and more. The first patches of deep sand, the first water crossings, the first Adveduro events and I soon came into the sight of apPasaule Moto Adventure Club, later becoming a member of the club.
The experience of fellow riders, their friendly support, and encouragement helped me to overcome my hesitations and I started preparing for my first TET trip. Due to a busy concert schedule, the first opportunity I had to travel was in the month of July and I started preparing for the trip in January already, this is how excited I was. During the hot summer months I knew I have to go north, there were no other viable options, really.
So the Norwegian TET was the logical choice. I studied maps, read descriptions, learned to deal with basic technical problems. These moths were as emotionally tense as the trip itself. I was so wound up that I couldn’t fall asleep in the evenings thinking about my upcoming journey. I was also looking for fellow riders to join me, but none of the members of the my new club, nor from the circle of my friends and acquaintances had the time to join me so I was left with a simple choice – ride alone or stay home.
Unbeknownst to myself, this seeming coincidence still determines how and where I ride today – I mostly ride alone!
Whether it is Norway’s fresh mountain air, its vast landscapes, and the special northern summer light of the fact that this was my maiden TET journey, this trip has become a milestone in my life. Wherever I go after, all my travels are measured after this one. No matter the intensity of feelings I experience on the trails, I always compare them to the sensation I had as I rode up the mountain plateau for five days, finally reaching the vast landscape of Jotunheim Nature Park.
There my thoughts could fly like hawks across the whole valley. From distant lakes, through the clouds, from the sun on one side to the sun on the other. In the clear mountain air it seemed that I could see hundreds of kilometers away and experienced the same clarity in my heart. I felt a knot in my throat. The words and thoughts vanished. This was why I came here. The trails had seduced me, I needed more!